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Lake Borumba

Lake Borumba

The Sunshine Coast may be all about the beaches but sometimes you want to freshen up a little.

A trip to the fresh waters of Lake Borumba only takes about an hour from Maroochydore so can be easily reached for a day adventure.

Just south of Gympie, this island freshwater lake is protected from a lot of the elements and I fell in love with it.

If you have a boat then then this is the spot for you – offering up water skiing, tubing, kayaking and fishing. If you do want to fish here though, you will need a SIPS permit.

If you don’t have a boat, you can still swim and fish from the shoreline with no issues.

On our first visit, the sun was shining and there wasn’t a breath of air to disturb the glassy water surface. Once we left the main recreation area where people were skiing, all we could hear were the birds in the trees!

We spent most of the day fishing in peace.

The lake is home to Golden Perch, Australian Bass, Saratoga and the Mary River Cod and I managed to score a Bass that was around for a picture then back in the water.


Borumba is a lot bigger than it first appears. If you have a smaller boat (i.e. shallow) you head out amongst all the tree stumps off the main part of the lake. This ensures a fair amount of alone time too as a lot of people won’t stray too far from the boat ramp.

One thing I noticed was that the boat ramp was really steep, especially as water levels seemed quite low when we visited.

If a day trip isn’t enough for you, there are nearby campgrounds where you can stay for just $10 per adult, per night.

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Grapest 5km, Ocean View Estates

Grapest 5km, Ocean View Estates

Gheerulla Falls

Gheerulla Falls