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Booloumba Falls

Booloumba Falls

I am a sucker for a good waterfall and Booloumba Falls in the Conondale National Park does not disappoint.

About an hour and 15 minutes’ drive from the coast, you will need a 4WD for the last section of road if you only want to do the short walk to the falls as there are a couple of rivers to cross.

If you just want to hike to see the falls, an easy 3km return walk will take you there and it is worth every step.

Following a well-defined track, you will walk through tall open forest before coming to one of the clearest creeks you have ever seen – and that is less than 1km into the walk!

This walk is perfect for families and children as there are no big hills to walk up or down.

After you finish exploring this creek area, the walk veers away from the water but before too long, you will hear the rushing sound of running water and you know the falls are close by.

The track ends with a lookout over a dramatic gorge – making you realise how small we actually are.

From the lookout you can walk down to the main pool of the falls and scramble over rock pools to see the larger falls going down into the gorge.

There is even what looks like a private lap pool further down if you are keen to (carefully) make your way down the rocks – everything is pretty steep around here.

The main pool is deep and around 15m wide allowing a swim and a natural shower which we didn’t attempt on this July day but if I return in the warmer months, wild horses couldn’t keep me out!

The walk itself will take you a leisurely 2 hours (or less) and you can make time at either end for a picnic.

Given the river crossings and the steep dirt roads to make it out here, I probably wouldn’t try and visit in wet weather. I did see a sign saying a section of the road is closed off during heavy rains

Make it a longer stay and try some other walks in the National Park by setting up camp somewhere nearby.

At Booloumba Creek there are several pre-bookable camping areas. You will need 4WD to access all the campsites and the swimming hole. There is 2WD accessible free camping in the Charlie Moreland camping area in the nearby Imbil State Forest.

Mantra Richmont Hotel

Mantra Richmont Hotel

The Spirit House Restaurant

The Spirit House Restaurant