

Welcome to A Sunnier Life. Here you will find adventures in travel, style, and food on the Sunshine Coast and beyond. Hope you have a nice stay!

Swimming with the Whales

Swimming with the Whales

Did you know that the Sunshine Coast was the first place in Australia where you could go swimming with humpback whales?

Yes, SWIM with the whales!


There are not many experiences that are quite as thrilling as watching humpback whales in the wild so imagine getting pretty close to them IN the water…

It’s terrifying, exciting and magical all at once and a memory that will stay with you forever.

Now before you freak out, there are some rules and regulations that go with this adventure.

Before you depart, you will be fitted with a full wetsuit, flippers, mask and a snorkel.

Sunreef in Mooloolaba take out a maximum of 20 people on their whale swimming boats and only 10 people are allowed in the water at any time.

Electronic shark shields are compulsory, there’s limit on the number of people in the water at any given time, and there’s a swim-up limit as well – we got about 30 metres away as this one whale was breaching and playing around the boat. It was completely on the whale’s terms but still breathtaking.

We headed out at 8am for our 4-hour trip and within 20 minutes we had spotted some whales, a mother and a calf. These guys were on a mission so we didn’t swim with them but it was still incredible to see.


The second sighting bore better fruit.  When the whale was about 100 metres from the boat, the engines are turned off and one group slips into the water with a guide swimming towards the majestic creature.

At one point, I was head down snorkelling and the whale breached. I didn’t see it but I heard not only the cheers from the guys on the boat but the vibrations and splashes in the water. It felt SO close.

We were so lucky on our day, we hung out with the same whale for hours, swapping groups so everyone got to experience it. Even when you weren’t in the water, watching the playful, up to 30-tonne animal from the boat was awe-inspiring.

The crew on the boat provided water, juice and snacks and were also full of fun and useful information about whales. There was not a single dull moment on our trip – especially when you consider the pod of dolphins swimming on the bow as we headed back to shore.

Sunreef’s Swim with Whales season runs from July until October and I will almost certainly be back next season for another dip!

Shinta Mani Shack, Siem Reap

Shinta Mani Shack, Siem Reap

Mt Cooroora

Mt Cooroora