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Uncover the natural wonder of the Capricorn Caves

Uncover the natural wonder of the Capricorn Caves

Nature is everywhere and it is freaking amazing. The existence of caves is particularly incredible.

Capricorn Caves is one such wonder.

Just outside of Rockhampton and within easy driving distance of Yeppoon, this above ground cave system is cut through a limestone mountain and has an extraordinary number of passages to explore.

The cave system gives us a glimpse into a prehistoric world. Fossils of marine sea life and mega fauna have been found within the limestone cave system, taking us on a journey of the past.

There are three tour options depending on your time and how deep into the caves you are prepared to go. The Cathedral Cave tour is the shortest at 45mins and shows off the biggest caves; the Capricorn Explorer lasts 90 minutes and goes more off the beaten track; and the Capricorn Adventurer tour goes for two hours and you will need to be prepared to get outside of your comfort zone on your belly as you navigate the remote parts of cave systems.

We only had the time (and inclination) to experience the Cathedral Cave tour and it was incredible. We were able to walk upright the whole way and didn’t have to wear helmets (read: no shuffling in the dirt!)

As you are guided through the chambers of the caves on the Cathedral Cave tour you’ll be asked not to touch the delicate walls as the oils in our hands and even delicate contact can cause damage to the limestone but you might wonder why no one is as bothered about the impact of hundreds of feet.

An interesting insight from our guide was that what we are walking on is no longer the delicate limestone but layer upon layer of dried and compacted bat poop (guano). In fact, at one point they decided to drill into the guano and they never reached the bottom of it. Just imagining the volume of poop required to build this firm floor through the caves blows my mind.

Despite this, we didn’t even see any bats on our visit.

As you wind your way through the caves, the obvious highlight is the Cathedral Cave. This space has probably the best acoustics of anywhere and they show it off by turning out the lights and playing an acoustic rendition of Cohen's famous song Hallelujah.

People love it here so much, they plan weddings that take place in the space!

One of the interesting aspects of this cave experience is the lack of water and moisture as they are surrounded by a dry rainforest. The caves are also mostly above ground, so no climbing down into the depths of the earth.

The cave ecosystem is fascinating and it’s always nice to be reminded how ancient our land is - definitely worth a visit.

Book a stay in Yeppoon or Rockhampton and explore them for yourself!

A magical visit to the Harry Potter Studio in London

A magical visit to the Harry Potter Studio in London

8 things you must experience at Carnarvon Gorge

8 things you must experience at Carnarvon Gorge